Photography Guide & Tutor

Alistair How: Photographer

Alistair How

I have had a lifelong interest in photography and the outdoors, starting my career at Kodak after studying Geography at Southampton University.

These days I still love taking photographs while sharing the craft and my experiences with others. Passing on the skills that I have learnt over the years in an approachable and friendly manner. I am at my happiest when I see people flourish in their photography.

After many years taking personal and family photos I returned to more serious photography a few years ago when I had more available time. I also gained my Licentiate distinction with the Royal Photographic Society (LRPS) in September 2022 and became president of Harrogate Photographic Society for the 2023/24 season.

Based in North Yorkshire, I am right on the doorstep of a number of photographic hot spots, but also travel far and wide looking for new locations and opportunities. I have been so fortunate in my professional life to be able to travel to some amazing and unusual places and am still discovering new locations for future photography visits.

My work has been featured by various organisations including the Yorkshire Photographic Union and publications in Outdoor Magazine and the Royal Photographic Society (RPS).

Upcoming Photo Tours with Alistair How

Podere Belvedere, Tuscany, Italy

Tuscany Autumn Colours – September 2024

14th - 19th Sept 2024 
1 Place Left
Sunrise, Bamburgh Castle, Northumberland

Northumberland – October 2024

22nd - 24th Oct 2024
Spaces Available