Photography Guide & Tutor

James Kelly - photographer

James Kelly

James Kelly lives and breathes photography.

The Scottish countryside, where he spent his childhood playing, provided him with a profound connection to Scotland's ever-shifting and untamed weather. This environment also instilled a deep appreciation for nature's elements and a profound respect for the land. The landscape taught him patience, as he would often wait for hours, seeking the perfect shot. He would go to great lengths to capture images, whether braving the freezing sleet or basking in the brilliant sunlight, traversing coastal cliffs or ascending rugged mountain ranges.

However, James also has a second home – the Faroe Islands. Although not as native as his Scottish roots, he holds an equally strong connection to the Faroe Islands as his partner is Faroese. James has been lucky enough to get to know the islands through a local’s eyes and experience first-hand the photographer’s paradise they present.

Upcoming Photo Tours with James Kelly

Faroe Islands - photo by James Kelly - Faroe Islands photography workshops and tours with Melvin Nicholson

Stunning Faroe Islands – November 2024

4th - 11th Nov 2024
4 Places Left