Slovenia Autumn Colours – October 2024

21st – 27th Oct 2024
Fully Booked

Photograph this wonderfully diverse little country in all its autumn glory.

Date and Time
12:00 Monday 21st – 07:30 Sunday 27th October 2024

Six Nights

(£200 deposit, £1,795 balance to be paid by the 21st July 2024. If booking after the 21st July 2024, full amount is payable)

Workshop Leader
Melvin Nicholson

Workshop Assistant/Driver
Chris Frost

Workshop Attendees

Meeting Place
Car Rental Offices
Top Floor
Marco Polo Airport

Exertion Level
Easy / Medium / Hard – All locations within half a mile from the car, some much closer. Some slippery rocks near waterfalls and uneven rocky paths including the odd uphill section present. A good level of fitness and mobility is required.

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