Slovenia Autumn Colours – October 2024

14th – 20th Oct 2024
Fully Booked

Photograph this wonderfully diverse little country in all its autumn glory.

Date and Time
12pm Monday 14th – 7.30am Sunday 20th October 2024

Six Nights

(£200 deposit, £1,795 balance to be paid by the 14th Aug 2024. If booking after the 14th Aug 2024, full amount is payable)

Workshop Leader
Melvin Nicholson

Workshop Assistant
Chris Frost

Workshop Attendees

Meeting Place
Car Rental Offices
Top Floor
Marco Polo Airport

Exertion Level
Easy / Medium / Hard – All locations within half a mile from the car, some much closer. Some slippery rocks near waterfalls and uneven rocky paths including the odd uphill section present. A good level of fitness and mobility is required.

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